Purpose: The congregation of Rising Star Baptist Church welcomes you and pray God’s blessing upon your pending marriage. We look forward to the possibility of being of   service to you during this exciting process. This guideline is intended to give you all the information necessary to make this occasion a meaningful one and assure that the wedding
 and surrounding tasks run smoothly. Please note that the pastoral staff reserves the right to refuse to perform the ceremony at any time.
Persons: A man and woman desiring to be married at Rising Star Baptist Church or by a Rising Star minister must meet  the following requirements:
1. Have a valid California marriage license.
2. Present evidence before the wedding date of having completed premarital
counseling with a Rising Star staff minister, another minister, or a qualified counselor.
3. Previously married individuals should present a statement of the status of the previous marriage(s) and the circumstances related to the end of the previous
4. Clear the date for the wedding with the church office if using the church facilities.
Facilities: Reservations must be made with the church office for rehearsal, ceremony, and Reception dates for all needed facilities and equipment. The foyer, sanctuary, fellowship hall,
rest rooms, and kitchen are the facilities normally used. The piano, organ, sound system, tables, and chairs are examples of equipment normally used. The cost for the wedding appears below. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your wedding dates. The check should be written to Rising Star Baptist Church.
Ministers: The wedding may be conducted by a Rising Star staff minister or by a visiting minister. It is appropriate to provide an honorarium for the conducting minister.Any Pastor or Ordained Minister of Rising Star Baptist   Church performing a Wedding outside of its Facility must have Senior Pastors Approval, and cost if any is up to that Minister and the Church is not Responsible for any mishaps (late, Does Not perform well, Medical, accidents etc).
Senior Pastor Does Perform Weddings Outside of Facility, a honorarium should be considered.
Musicians: The church does not provide musicians for the wedding, but Rising Star musicians and qualified visiting musicians may use the piano. It is appropriate to provide
an honorarium for the musicians.
Sound Technician: Only church approved technicians may use the church sound system. The technician’s fee is   included in the basic fees for a wedding.
Custodian: The church will be cleaned before and after your wedding. The custodian’s
fee is included in the basic fees for a wedding.
Wedding Coordinator: Our wedding coordinator will be responsible for the flow of your wedding if you choose and your general contact person for facility usage. The wedding
coordinator’s fee is included in the basic fees for a wedding.
Care and Use of the Facilities
During the Wedding and Reception
1. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the facility.
2. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere in the facility or on the church property.
3. The church furniture in the sanctuary may only be moved under the supervision of the custodian or other staff   members. The wedding party is responsible for returning the
furniture to the original location after the wedding.
4. No tape is to be placed on any walls or furniture anywhere in the facility. You can choose to use sticky tac if you wish.
5. If candles are to be used they must be dripless candles.
6. The church tables and chairs are available for use by the wedding party. Extra chairs andtables can be brought in by the wedding party and are the responsibility of the wedding
7. The church does not provide flowers, decorations, tablecloths, punch bowls, tableware, or other such   equipment. These are the responsibility of the wedding   party.
8. The kitchen is available for meals and receptions and should be cleaned afterwards.
9. Birdseed should be thrown only in the parking area, never inside the building.
10. If cars are decorated by the family and friends, the family should arrange to remove any debris from the parking lot.
11. If after reading these policies you desire to be married in the Rising Star Baptist Church facility, please call the church office to schedule an appointment with the minister and/or
coordinator, who will show you the facilities and make additional arrangements with you.
We have read the above instructions and agree to abide by them.
Bride’s Signature____________________ Phone_______________
Groom’s Signature____________________ Phone_______________
Date Signed_______________
Time and Date of the Rehearsal_______________ Wedding_______________
Reception at Church?_____ Estimated Number________   Date Deposit Made_____________
Rising Star Baptist Church
Wedding Cost Sheet
Note: All of the below mentioned fees are subject to change and should be paid in one check payable to Rising Star Baptist Church. It should be given to the minister at the time of the rehearsal or delivered to the church office     before the rehearsal.
The marriage license is to be given to the performing     minister at the wedding rehearsal.
Wedding Fees (charges include deposit):
Facility Rental (Member):
Rehearsal and wedding only $ 150.00
Rehearsal, wedding, and reception $ 200.00
Saturday after 10:00pm fee $ 50.00
Facility Rental (Non-Member):
Rehearsal and wedding only $ 300.00
Rehearsal, wedding, and reception $ 500.00
Saturday after 10:00pm fee $ 50.00
Honorarium $100.00*
*The honorarium to the minister is in appreciation of his   time spent in counseling, conducting the rehearsal and wedding, and is the responsibility of the groom, usually presented through the best man to the minister.                 This fee may be waived dependent upon financial circumstances.
Rising Star Baptist Church
General Information Sheet
Rehearsal Date_______________                                 Rehearsal Time_______________
Wedding Date________________
Wedding Time________________
Member @ RSBC_______________
Previously Married_____________
City, State____________________ Zip__________________________
Home Phone__________________
Work Phone__________________
Member @ RSBC_______________
Previously Married______________
City, State____________________ Zip__________________________
Home Phone__________________
Work Phone___________________
Minister Performing Wedding______________________________________________
Soloist_______________________ Pianist_________________________
Maid of Honor_________________
Best Man_______________________
Who gives away bride?______________________________________________________
(Please indicate number of those involved)
Bridesmaids_____ Groomsmen_____ Ushers_____
Candle Lighters_____
(Please indicate with “yes” or “no” to the section below)
Ring Bearer_____ Flower Girl_____ Kneeling Bench_____
Communion_____ Unity Candle_____ Audio Tape_____
Stationary Video_____ Guest Register Stand_____
Rising Star Baptist Church
Preparation Sheet
Opening Date and Time for Rehearsal: ____________________
Closing Date and Time for Rehearsal: _____________________
Opening Date and Time for Florist: _______________________
Name of Florist: _______________________________________
Opening Date and Time for Bridal Party for Wedding: _________________________________
Opening Date and Time for Caterer: ______________________
Closing Date and Time for Rehearsal: _____________________
Closing Date and Time for Wedding: ______________________
Additional Needs:
(We want to minister to you and your family during this special time. Please tell us how we can
better serve you and make this time memorable and filled with God’s blessing!)
My Wedding Checklist
1. Obtained marriage license? Yes ( ) No ( )
2. Completed forms and met with wedding coordinator? Yes ( ) No ( )
3. Confirmed date of rehearsal and wedding on church calendar? Yes ( ) No ( )
4. Scheduled date for consultation with minister? Yes ( ) No ( )
5. Selected and ordered invitations? Yes ( ) No ( )
6. Contacted florist? Yes ( ) No ( )
7. Contacted the photographer? Yes ( ) No ( )
8. Contacted the pianist and soloists? Yes ( ) No ( )
9. Contacted wedding hostess? Yes ( ) No ( )
10. Provided pianist and soloists with necessary music? Yes ( ) No ( )
11. Contacted the church regarding the reception? Yes ( ) No ( )
12. Contacted the reception hostess? Yes ( )
No ( )
13. Selected and ordered wedding cake? Yes ( ) No ( )
14. Completed premarital counseling required by minister? Yes ( ) No ( )