Our Story

How it all started...

On Sunday July 10th 1994  after preaching at  the 11:00 am service at New First Community Baptist Church , Pastor Edwards preached another  Morning Service the same day at Crown of life Ministries.  At that service Pastor Edwards was given the “Vision” to begin Rising Star Baptist Church. He revealed to the congregation of Pastor Terry Matthews that God had just revealed to him the “go ahead.” After the service he and several people traveled throughout the city in search for a building, but unfortunately could not find an appropriate place. One of the people, Bro. Willie Frinks, decided to continue searching. He eventually found a building, which he felt, would be appropriate, and informed Pastor Edwards of its location. Pastor Edwards accompanied Bro. Frinks to the building, found the door open, and knew this was the building God had chosen.

While discussing his “Vision” with Dea. Everett Beed, he was asked if he had prayed on this, to be very sure, as this was no easy task. Pastor Edwards informed him that he had indeed prayed, and he knew he had to be obedient to God’s word. Dea. Beed said, “Okay let’s find a building.” He was informed that a building had been found. On Thursday, July 14th 1994, Deacon Everett Beed Signed our first contract to secure the building at 1635 Brundage Lane suite B, Bakersfield Calif , 93304



During the week of July 10 1994, ten people met in Pastor Edwards den. They were, Sis. Sharon Edwards, Dea. Everett Beed, Sis. Lynda Turner,  Bro. Dwight Amey, Sis. Debra Amey, Bro. Paul Parks, Sis. Loistene Parks, Bro. Bobby Hall and Bro.Willie Frinks. Each person pledged $50.00 for the $500.00 required to secure the building. After the meeting they accompanied Pastor Edwards and prayed as he laid hands on the building for God’s anointing. The building was located at 1635 Brundage Lane,   Suite B.


Although, on Sunday July 17th we had a trial  service, it was on Sunday, July 24, 1994, that Rising Star Baptist Church officially came to life. That day 24 members joined the church through Christian experience. The following week construction began inside the church and by the grace of God was completed in that week. Within the next two weeks we were blessed with 25 more members coming through Christian experience. The following months the news of Rising Star and the anointing of God’s power being present, spread like “Wild Fire!”

The membership grew in astounding numbers. The building being approximately only 900 sq. ft, (with one restroom), became too small, very quickly. We moved into our second building on Union Ave., but moved out immediately, (within days), when we had the revelation that this building had not been chosen by God. We went to another building and when we saw that God had once again left the door to the building open. We were obedient and moved in. On April 14, 1995, Rising Star relocated to 926 O Street. With God’s blessings still being poured out, membership grew so rapidly, that we had to move again.

God opened the doors to our third and current location, 3421 Wilson Road, on March 17, 1997, and has continued to bless us as our membership roster has grown to over 850 members.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to grow under God’s anointing and press towards the mark.

From the memory of Pastor Kevin L. Edwards, Dea. Everett Beed
And Other “In the Beginning” Members’

Expanding the vision...

Where we are headed...

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:00 am.